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Today I've read Genesis 1 and 2.
Some parts I like:
The story of creation
God said, I command lights to appear in the sky and to separate day from night and to show the time for seasons, special days, and years.
So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women.
God blessed the seventh day and made it special because on that day he rested from his work.
The Lord God placed all kinds of beautiful trees and fruit trees in the garden. Two other trees were in the middle of the garden. One of the trees gave life—the other gave the power to know the difference between right and wrong.
He brought them to the man to see what names he would give each of them. Then the man named the tame animals and the birds and the wild animals. That's how they got their names.
“Here is someone like me!
She is part of my body,
my own flesh and bones.
She came from me, a man.
So I will name her Woman!”
That's why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person.