— 1 Corinthians 3:16
I am amazed and in awe as I think of the great blessing of the indwelling Holy Spirit. He inspires us to do great things. He endues us with power for all our tasks. He stays in close communion with us, never leaving us or forsaking us.
Just think about it—if you and I are believers in Jesus Christ, we are the home of the Holy Spirit of God! We should meditate on this truth over and over until it becomes a personal revelation in our lives. If we do, we will never be helpless, hopeless, or powerless, for He promises to be with us to speak to us, strengthen us, and empower us. We will never be without a friend or without direction, for He promises to lead us and go with us in everything we do.
Paul wrote to his young disciple Timothy, “Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in us” (2 Timothy 1:14).
The truths you know about the Holy Spirit are so precious; I encourage you to guard them and keep them in your heart. Don’t allow them to slip away from you. Since you are a believer in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is in you to help you not only maintain what you have learned about Him, but to help it grow and enable you to share it with others. Appreciate Him, honor Him, love and adore Him. He is so good, so kind, so awesome. He is wonderful—and you are His dwelling place!
God’s word for you today: Say out loud several times a day: “I am the dwelling place of God. He makes His home in me.”
From the book Hearing from God Each Morning: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer.
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