Descendants of Adam
God created men and women to be like himself. He gave them his blessing and called them human beings.
The Lord Will Send a Flood
Some of their daughters were so beautiful that supernatural beings came down* and married the ones they wanted.
* Supernatural beings? I have wondered about this part for so long now. What does it mean? Are they demons or Seth's (the third son of Adam and Eve) children? I mean the came down part. Came down from above? Because good angels of God will not do this. So then I'm thinking about demons? I don't understand this part. I hope someone can give me more information?
Noah did everything the Lord told him to do (I love this sentence...did everything the Lord told him to do!).
God created men and women to be like himself. He gave them his blessing and called them human beings.
The Lord Will Send a Flood
Some of their daughters were so beautiful that supernatural beings came down* and married the ones they wanted.
* Supernatural beings? I have wondered about this part for so long now. What does it mean? Are they demons or Seth's (the third son of Adam and Eve) children? I mean the came down part. Came down from above? Because good angels of God will not do this. So then I'm thinking about demons? I don't understand this part. I hope someone can give me more information?
Noah did everything the Lord told him to do (I love this sentence...did everything the Lord told him to do!).
Not the easiest part in the Bible. What I always thought was odd, is the fact that the supernatural beings were there before and after the flood, so they were not destroyed with mankind and therefore must come from heaven. Greek mythology says they are the half god, half man kind of beings....
Another translation says 'sons of God'.... the same word is used in Job 1:6... This is so interesting!
Don't you love the english version??!!
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