Abraham vroeg God iets voor zijn eerste zoon Ishmael en God zegende Ishmael. Stel je voor hij had het niet gevraagd. Vragen is als een zegen. Onze Vader in de hemel is zo liefdevol, dat wij mogen vragen.
Wanneer de Here bij Abraham is (de Here is onderweg om Sodom te vernietigen, omdat daar één en al bederf is), vraagt Abraham de Here. Stel dat er 50 mensen goed zijn, zal U dan deze stad toch vernietigen? De Here vertelde Abraham, dat hij dan de stad niet zou vernietigen. Abraham blijft door vragen tot stel dat er 10 mensen zijn, die goed zijn. Dan zou de Here de stad niet vernietigen. Met andere woorden, als er maar één mens zou zijn die goed zou zijn, dan zou God de stad niet vernietigen. Jammer genoeg was er geen enkel mens goed in deze stad.
In dit verhaal kan je lezen hoe liefdevol en echt God is en dat vragen zo goed is. Al vraag je 100 keer dezelfde vraag, God zal je beantwoorden. Wie zoekt zal vinden. Twijfel niet in God. Vertrouw in Hem en twijfel niet in Hem. Wat Hij zegt is zo.
Today I've read Genesis Chapter 17 & 18.
God's Promise to Abraham
I have heard what you asked me to do for Ishmael, and so I will also bless him with many descendants. He will be the father of twelve princes, and I will make his family a great nation.
The Lord Promises Abraham a Son
The Lord asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Does she doubt that she can have a child in her old age? I am the Lord! There is nothing too difficult for me. I'll come back next year at the time I promised, and Sarah will already have a son.”
Abraham Prays for Sodom
20 The Lord said, “Abraham, I have heard that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are doing all kinds of evil things. 21 Now I am going down to see for myself if those people really are that bad. If they aren't, I want to know about it.”
22 The men turned and started toward Sodom. But the Lord stayed with Abraham, 23 who asked, “Lord, when you destroy the evil people, are you also going to destroy those who are good? 24 Wouldn't you spare the city if there are only fifty good people in it? 25 You surely wouldn't let them be killed when you destroy the evil ones. You are the judge of all the earth, and you do what is right.”
26 The Lord replied, “If I find fifty good people in Sodom, I will save the city to keep them from being killed.”
27 Abraham answered, “I am nothing more than the dust of the earth. Please forgive me, Lord, for daring to speak to you like this. 28 But suppose there are only forty-five good people in Sodom. Would you still wipe out the whole city?”
“If I find forty-five good people,” the Lord replied, “I won't destroy the city.”
29 “Suppose there are just forty good people?” Abraham asked.
“Even for them,” the Lord replied, “I won't destroy the city.”
30 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, if I ask you what you will do if there are only thirty good people in the city.”
“If I find thirty,” the Lord replied, “I still won't destroy it.”
31 Then Abraham said, “I don't have any right to ask you, Lord, but what would you do if you find only twenty?”
“Because of them, I won't destroy the city,” was the Lord's answer.
32 Finally, Abraham said, “Please don't get angry, Lord, if I speak just once more. Suppose you find only ten good people there.”
“For the sake of ten good people,” the Lord told him, “I still won't destroy the city.”
33 After speaking with Abraham, the Lord left, and Abraham went back home.
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