It was about Noah and his family. About the flood. Noah was the only person who pleased God. The only person on the whole earth! The only person! Noah and his family where the only ones who had been saved from the flood. Noah had to build a boat for him, his family and the choosen animals.
Amazing. Chapter 6 Genesis : The Lord saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought and planned was evil.
So God send out a flood to cover the whole earth with water. So God destroyed everyone and everything that breathed. The whole world was under water for 150 days. Before the 150 days it had rained for 40 days. The highest mountain peaks were almost twenty-five feet below the surface of the water. Twentyfive feet below! Whooh! Can you picture that? The world was covered with water...no ground anywhere. Just a boat floating around with Noah, his family and some animals. Can you imagine that?
I really love the story of Noah. It's one of my favorites. The story of Job is my favorite. What is your favorite story of the bible?
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