8 jul 2010

Vul je huis met de juiste muziek

Zelf ben ik de laatste tijd heel erg aan het opletten wat voor muziek ik in huis draai. Muziek kan echt negatieve teksten bevatten of het negatieve oproepen. Bedoel als je vrolijke muziek draait, dan voel je energieker en vrolijker. Draai je verdrietige liedjes dan voel je je ook verdrietiger (ik ga juist soms huilen als ik een verdrietige tekst hoor, lol). Ik zelf ben dol op muziek en ik vind het heerlijk om mee te gillen en te springen. Ik dans vaak met mijn kids, gewoon helemaal gek doen. We hebben dan zoveel lol. Hieronder één van mijn favo liedjes.


`It doesn't matter where you been
Or what you did wrong

It doesn't matter who you are
You're always welcome
It only matters that your heart believes
And you confess

If you committed any sin you'll be forgiven

Callin on all of God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be in His favor
Time to come home

Come on home
Come on come on home
oooh yeah yeah
come on home

If you cant see your way out
And you're drowning in your regrets

If you have everything you want
But you still cant find happiness

Cuz when you feel like you're forsaken
Life can be so hopeless

Maybe you need to come home
So your life can be planned


God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be
you need to be
Time to come home

Don't bare the burden all by yourself
(By yourself)
The Redeemer's here He's gonna give you help
(Give you help)
Come unto him and he will give you rest
For any heart that's heavy laden for salvation

Calling all God's children
Time to come home
If you wanna be delivered
Time to come home
I've been rescued by the savior
Time to come home
If you wanna be in his favor
Time to come home

My home
Your home
In his everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In his everlasting arms
Don't you know its time to come home
Time to come home
Deliver me
I've been rescued by the savior
Dont you wanna be in his favor
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
If you wanna be in his favor
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms
My home
Your home
In His everlasting arms

Time to come home


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